Information for debt investors
The Group's funding structure is centered on retail business in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, as a result of the Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group’s strong local market presence, the Group also benefits from funding through the regional Raiffeisen banks. Different funding sources are secured in accordance with the principle of diversification. These include the issue of international bonds by RBI AG, the issue of local bonds by the Group units and the use of third-party financing loans (including supranationals). The Group units also use interbank loans with third-party banks, partly due to tight country limits and partly due to beneficial pricing.
In the Group’s funding plans, special attention is paid to a diversified structure of funding to mitigate funding liquidity risk. In the Group, funds are not only raised by RBI AG as the Group’s parent institution, but also individually by different banking subsidiaries. Those efforts are coordinated and optimized through a joint funding plan. Moreover, RBI AG arranges medium-term and long-term funding for its subsidiaries through syndicated loans, bilateral funding agreements with banks, and financing facilities provided by supranational institutions.