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EBA Stress test results 2023

Vienna, 28 July 2023. Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has disclosed a 361 basis point capital depletion in the adverse scenario of the most recent EU-wide stress test by European Banking Authority (EBA). The capital depletion, which is below the average of participating banks, is assumed to occur over a three-year period and starting from the reported 16.02% CET1 ratio at year-end 2022. These results include RBI’s Russian subsidiaries, and the projections are based on the 2023 EU wide stress tests macroeconomic scenarios & methodology.

RBI has conducted a similar stress testing exercise for the Group excluding Russia. Under these assumptions, the capital depletion is broadly unchanged, confirming RBI’s resilience with and without the Russian subsidiaries.

Hannes Mösenbacher, RBI’s Chief Risk Officer supervising the conduct of stress test commented: “We are satisfied with the outcome of the stress test, which confirms the strength of our balance sheet and the resilience of our business model. These results further confirm that RBI is equally resilient when the Russian business is excluded. The outcome of this stress test, together with the recent rating affirmations by Moody’s and S&P highlights RBI groups solidity.”

  • By RBI Investor Relations

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