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RBI Confirmed in VÖNIX Sustainability Index 2023/24 | Austrian Leadership

RBI is again one of twenty members to be included in the Austrian Sustainability Index (VÖNIX) 2023/24 of the Vienna Stock Exchange. This capitalization-weighted price index is made up of those listed Austrian companies that are leaders in terms of social and environmental performance.

  • By RBI editor

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Sustainability is on everyone's lips, the index is based on facts, on concrete steps taken by RBI for a sustainable impact. Since June 2005, the VÖNIX has been demonstrating the long-term benefits of sustainable business or sustainable investment by measuring corporate sustainability using a complex model with numerous environmental and social exclusion and positive criteria. The basic universe for the VÖNIX is basically all domestic companies whose shares are listed in the upper market segments of the Vienna Stock Exchange. The result of the annual analysis process determines the re-composition of the VÖNIX and is communicated in mid-June each year.
www.vönix.at (only in German)